You know that you shouldn’t let debt collections slide – that in order for your business to financially function at its best, you need the monies owed to you – and yet you are apprehensive about calling in a professional collection agency. That is certainly understandable; after all, the prevailing image of a debt collector is not an altogether positive one.

But we here at Summit A*R would like to dispel some of those uglier connotations, and clear the air about why, when and how to call in a debt collection agency. It is completely natural to have questions about collections, which is why we are doing our best in this post to address some of those questions.

Why do I need a debt collection agency, when I can just bug the client mercilessly over email? When is the right time to contact an agency – as a proactive step or last resort? And how do I choose an agency – how does one separate the good from the bad. These are totally valid questions, so let’s tackle them!


Why does a business need a collection agency? And why does your business need an experienced commercial collection agency in your corner, when you can try to collect internally? It is all about cash flow, experience-tested results and organizational efficiency.

Cash Flow

If an organization is the human body, cash flow is the blood. Without that circulatory system working as it should, it can be very difficult for a business to succeed, let alone thrive and grow. You should never just “cut your losses”. As we will soon discuss, there is virtually no downside to going after what is owed to you via a professional commercial agency like ours.

Debtor Cooperation

The bald fact is that customers and clients are more receptive to collection agencies than they are to your credit manager’s sternest emails. That’s because there is an implication of legal action and a formality of process that doesn’t exist when you simply remind them via email. Add to that the fact that we have 20 plus years of experience, and the bottom line is clear: debtors are more likely to cooperate with us.

Organizational Efficiency

Your business runs its best when everyone is focused on the tasks to which they are suited. When the head of the credit department, for example, is tasked with chasing delinquent customers, it draws them away from more important decisions and tasks. It is far better to outsource the process to professionals.


When should your business contact a commercial collection agency? This is a question we get a lot, and in truth, there is no single right answer. As you learn more about our commercial collection services you’ll see that there is really no wrong time to take action – but as a rule of thumb, recovery becomes harder the longer you wait.

As Soon as There Is Doubt

Here’s one way of looking at it: the moment you suspect payment collection might be difficult, give us a ring. As mentioned, the sooner you can contact one of our collection specialists to review your case, the better chance you will likely have of recovery, and the more you are likely to recover (in general). It is certainly tempting to give customers and clients the benefit of the doubt, but trust your gut – people are pretty good at intuiting when something is wrong.

When All Else Fails

Some organization’s come to us when they feel they have exhausted the options with which they are comfortable. They have sent the notices. They have followed up. They have called, called back and called back again. If you feel all else has failed, do not give up: it is better late than never to contact a professional commercial collection agency.

Pre-Collecting for Current Receivables

You know that you can have Summit A*R collect on past-due receivables, but did you know that you can have us collect on current receivables? We know how to operate within the boundaries of the first-party collection, and it can be much simpler and more effective to just have us act, as your business, on your behalf.


How do we at Summit A*R collect? And how do you know if you are hiring a great commercial collection agency?

Choose the P.H.D Approach for Best Results

Our P.H.D philosophy (Preserving Human Dignity) means that we operate always with professionalism and integrity. The best results do not come from strong-arming and intimidation, but rather from frank communication and diplomacy. It is the reason why Summit A*R has a recovery rate double the industry average.

Preserve Your Client Relationships

Not only is our approach effective, but it is doesn’t fray the positive client relationships you have worked tirelessly to maintain. While other collection agencies who use unethical tactics threaten to hurt your reputation, our dignified approach won’t jeopardize you and your client’s relationship going forward. Further, we have a stellar compliance record with all regulating agencies nationwide and an A+ rating from the Better Business Bureau.

Choose Transparency

Finally, if you are wondering how to know whether a collection agency is the real McCoy, look no further than their transparency. Are they avoidant, sycophantic or withholding about information regarding your case? That’s a strong indication that they have little confidence in their work. Here, we update you every step of the way. You are assigned an account manager whom you can contact with questions, and you will receive detailed monthly collection reports.

If there is a question or concern here that has gone unanswered, check out these FAQs or contact us via phone or email. We don’t like thinking that a lack of information is what is holding you back from collecting the money you are owed. Come to us with whatever question you might have, however small, and we will do our best to answer it in a timely fashion. Together, we can recover what you are owed without risking souring your client relationships.